subota, studenoga 30, 2013

So we begin... UNIGIS

Until now, this has been my personal travel blog. After I graduated, I went on a one-year trip across South and Central America and kept my family and friends updated through this medium, therefore the name Maja In The World. Most of the previous entries are in Croatian so not many of my GIS colleagues will be able to read it, so from this point on, I will write in English.

This blog will contain my experiences in the GIS world, my problems and successes and interesting GIS-related information that I find.

For the moment, I recommend this interesting website of the GIS Master program, UNIGIS, that I am taking and that I highly recommend.

So let the fun begin!

Nema komentara:

I may not have gone where I wanted to go, but I'm sure I ended up where I needed to be.